Coming out of lockdown and updates from Herbastore
Hello everyone,
I hope you are all well, safe and healthy.
Lockdown is truly over in the UK, now with restaurants opening fully today 17th of may. What a relief! It will take a long time for life to return to normal but what is happening right now is a good sign.
This photo shows me making product recommendations last year when I joined Herbalistica, the company with the most advanced herbal products in the world. I am still their Product Specialist and I have the job of educating mainly health professionals about the benefits of ozonated oils. It can be quite tough actually more than twice as hard as CBD is taboo for your average GP and ozone has its own barrier, fears and misconceptions.
I could've just stopped with being The Hempman, now that I have done the groundwork and had enough following for a steady income going forward. But that just didn't seem it was enough!
I must be very cruel to myself: I was grafting away for a few years bringing CBD to the high street with my shop in Doncaster and that was tough. That hard work paid off when sales picked up and the business caught the eye of London investors and hence I sold the Hempman business.
Now after I won the battle convincing people of the benefits of CBD I have the job to educate and share my knowledge of the benefits of ozone and the incredible way that an ozonated oil is 10X stronger and safe.
When I build this latest business I will make millions and help millions.
In the meanwhile I would like to invite you to browse the shop as there are some great bargains where we are loosing money in exchange for more website visitors.
And please let me know if there is anything missing, I would love to get your feedback.
Speak to you soon,
Tavi - Herbastore Founder