How to benefit from CBD and discount code
Dear customer,
Thank you for trusting us and purchasing our products.
Our oils are the most pure and powerful on the market for the following reasons:
They are 100% organic, tested, safe and without any psychoactive content.
The best way to use them is taking your dose once a day under the tongue ( kept for 1 minute ) for 90% fast absorption. The best time to use them is close to the main meal each day.
The products are well tolerated by our body without side effects.
The oils can be applied also on the skin and a short rub will make them absorb very quickly.
The 3% and 10% pure oils are available for re-order online at www.herbastore.uk
The enhanced ozonated oils are available for just £35 by using the code "just35" online at checkout at www.herbalistica.com
Please contact us through the websites or on social media for feedback and any questions.
Tavi The Hempman
Bought some off tavi the hemp man in Buxton best thing I’ve ever bought… No longer take my anti depressants and my sciatica is much much better 100% recommended
Bought some off tavi the hemp man in Buxton best thing I’ve ever bought… No longer take my anti depressants and my sciatica is much much better 100% recommended